A high-tech industry we have accompanied for nearly 20 years.

  • Metocean design criteria on project sites
  • Persistence and weather windows for maritime operations
  • Metocean forecasts, warnings and forecast qualification
  • Oceanographic radar measurements and data processing
  • Technical assistance, supply services of experts
  • Research and development, continuous improvement of operational methods and tools

Metocean study for the design of an oil rig and its coastal pipeline connection

TOTAL, Argentina, 2010-2015

  • Development and use of metocean models.
  • Extreme value analysis, persistence and weather windows.
  • Technical assistance during installation.

Operational metocean forecasts for liquefied natural gas loading

Yemen LNG, Yemen, 2013-2015

  • Development of metocean models.
  • Deployment of the forecast service to supply operational forecasts, warning and qualification reports.